About Us

Our Vision

At Elevated Meditations, we believe that everyone has access to peace inside of them at all times. This peace is often covered with layers of stress, emotions and busyness. Many times, we keep pushing through to the next thing and eventually become burned out, stressed and develop poor habits. 

Through our classes, we believe that we can access our inner peace. After repeatedly accessing the peace within, it becomes easier and quicker to access. Once we have trained ourselves to access this peace, it’s a gift of a lifetime. With this gift, we are able to drop into a calm state even when our environment may not be calm. Even when things aren’t how we want them to be, we can find inner calm and peace. This is our hope for you – that you’ll develop your ability to find peace and calm at any time in your day.

Inner Peace To Your Body And Mind

We offer a modern style of meditation class that integrates a multi sensory experience with holistic wellness modalities.  Visualize yourself feeling free from all your worries as you stretch out in our premium silk hammock. As your body is relaxed, the guide gently leads you in a deep meditation; engaging positive emotions and your imagination.  The beautiful harmonic sounds pull you into a deep, meditative state; this is where the magic happens. In this state, you’ll be able to maximize the benefits of meditation, by connecting deeply with your mind, body and spirit;  truly transforming your mind and body.