Group Meditation

Why Meditate in a group?

When one person meditates, it’s powerful for them. When additional people meditate together, there is coherence between the meditators that creates a more profound experience. It may seem confusing or impossible  – it’s definitely difficult to understand!

The Maharishi Effect is a theory that is an example of research demonstrating this phenomenon. During this experiment from 1988-1991, about 1% of the population in Merseyside, England meditated together everyday. The crime rate dropped from the third highest to the lowest crime rate, in cities in England at the time of the analysis. The control town, with no meditators, remained with a consistent crime rate.

This phenomenon can be explained through the unified field superstring theory in physics. This theory involves waves of vibrations flowing from everything in the universe. Without going into details, this theoretical approach can explain how groups of people meditating together have the power to affect this universal field of vibrations.

If this is a bit too “out there” to believe in, there are other benefits of group mediation practices too,  such as:

  • Things are better when shared  – you have an opportunity to feel a real connection with others.
  • Being with others helps to hold ourselves accountable, while we build a new mediation habit.
  • Learning, feedback and growth are more readily available when we surround ourselves with experienced people.
  • Being with others is good for us. Many articles and studies show that loneliness is physically poor for our systems. We are social beings who need some level of interaction.
  • Unify with others – co-workers, sports teams, families, partners – meditate on a common goal and see what happens to change the group.

At Elevated Meditation, we have several classes to choose from, where you join a group. Gain the advantage of this group phenomenon and help yourself get to an even deeper level of meditation.

Meditate With Us in Colorado Springs

At Elevated Meditations in Colorado Springs, we believe everyone should have access to the knowledge and healing power of meditation. Our classes are beginner-friendly, and we have advanced courses for those who want to push their meditation prowess. If you want to learn how to better manage stress in your life, meditation is a great first step. Give our team a call to learn more about how meditation can help you today.